People with poor eyesight dream of restoring their vision: they raise money for an operation and take advertised medications. At the same time, they are skeptical that it can be restored by recharging to improve vision.
Eye exercises are a simple method to restore and maintain vision. The main thing is to do it regularly, especially in combination with drug treatment. Let's try to convince those who doubt the benefits of such exercises.
The benefits of visual gymnastics
Like all organs, the muscles and nerves of the eye are susceptible to various diseases and weaknesses. You need metabolism, blood circulation and good nutrition. Sitting at the computer for a long time, vitamin deficiency and poor visual hygiene do not contribute to strengthening health.
We often forget this or simply don't want to spend time on visual training. Why do your eyes need exercise anyway? It's easier to take a miracle cure for insight or undergo surgery. However, this does not exempt a person from taking care of their eyes. This is confirmed by ophthalmologists around the world.
More than a hundred years ago, W. Bates developed a unique exercise to restore and improve vision. It is remembered, followed and produces effective results. Over the years it has undergone changes, but the meaning has remained the same - to free a person from glasses. It is now used in combination with other treatment methods.
You need to practice every day for at least two months to achieve the desired result, and only then can you judge its effectiveness.
Which exercises you should do for your eyes in the morning
One of the main reasons for the deterioration of vision is systematic eye fatigue, which cannot be relieved by anything. For this reason, ophthalmologists recommend doing special exercises in the morning immediately after waking up.
When you wake up, you need to stretch out well on the bed. Do this with your eyes closed. The whole body will awaken, the brain will receive the necessary signal. Then turn from side to side. Take a few deep breaths.
Open your mouth wide, then open your eyes wide. Then do this at the same time. Repeat the exercise four times: mouth – eyes – everything together.
Next Step. Close your eyes tightly and, when closed, blink quickly and effortlessly. Exercise improves visual acuity. You can do it at any time of the day when your eyes get tired and have difficulty seeing.
Nasal exercises are the best way to improve the function of the eye muscles. To do this, draw figures, letters and numbers in the air with the tip of your nose. It is more convenient to do this with your eyes closed. You can do this several times a day.
Eyebrow exercises also help strengthen your eyesight. Simply lift them up and down until you feel the skin around your ears move. The function of the organs of vision improves, blood circulation increases, and the tone of the facial muscles increases.
A good way to end your morning exercise is palming. The optimal execution time is 5 minutes. So you have prepared your eyes for the working day.
General rules for training the eye muscles
Only exercises carried out regularly bring benefits. Choose an exercise routine – twice a day, once in the morning or evening, once every few days. Consistency and absence of omissions are the key to the effectiveness of the complex.
Be patient when doing the exercises. If you're in a hurry to get somewhere, you shouldn't even start doing gymnastics. Get the opposite effect. You do gymnastics for show and not for your health; You risk not engaging your muscles properly or overtaxing them, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the exercises.
Do not exaggerate. Do not think that the more often you repeat the exercises, the faster you will feel the healing effects. It's not like this. With your futile efforts, you are contributing to unnecessary strain on the visual organs. Maintain intervals.
You should not start a new exercise once you have finished the previous one. Sit with your eyes closed for about half a minute. Then move on to the next one.
Relax. There is no advantage to doing gymnastics and sitting in front of the computer at the same time. If you decide to restore your vision, be prepared for the fact that you will have to approach the process comprehensively - both from a nutritional point of view and from the point of view of your daily routine.
Principles of rational exercise for the eyes
When you start exercising, be sure to ask your doctor about the diagnosis that led to your vision deterioration.
- All exercises are performed in a comfortable position. The back is straight and the neck and shoulders are as relaxed as possible.
- For exercises that require the eyes to move in specific directions, fixate the end point of each movement for a few seconds. Can be done in different sequences and an unlimited number of times.
- It is advisable to select several exercises and repeat them throughout the working day. This mini exercise for the muscles is especially necessary for anyone who works on a computer.
- The complex should include gymnastics of the cervical spine - tilting the head forward, left and right, as well as circular rotations.
- Do not make sudden movements of the eyelids and eye muscles during exercise.
- Do this by removing lenses or glasses.
- Between complex exercises, do simple exercises in the form of relaxed, frequent blinking.
Visual gymnastics for adults
Gymnastics to improve vision is divided into two categories: relaxation and training. In the first case, it is aimed at relieving tension in the eye muscles. The second is about strengthening them.
Let's start training. Performed while standing or sitting. Before we start, let's calm down and take a comfortable position.
Let's begin:
- We strain the eye muscles and close them. We count to 5, open and relax the muscles. We look into the distance for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
- Back straight, head straight, 10-15 seconds. we blink slowly.
- We quickly move our gaze diagonally: first up to the right - down to the left, 6 seconds. We look into the distance. We then carry out the exercise in reverse order.
- Keeping your head straight without turning, look to the left and fix your gaze for 5 seconds. Then we look into the distance and hold our gaze. Next, we perform gymnastics with fixation of the gaze to the right side, up, down. Repeat 2 times.
- We close our eyes for 5 seconds without straining our muscles, then open them wide and look into the distance for 5 seconds. We do it three times.
- Keep your back straight, your head straight and move your pupils in slow circular movements in different directions: first clockwise, then back. Then we look into the distance.
- First we look at the tip of the nose, then we look into the distance. Repeat 7 times.
- Keep your head straight and fix your gaze. While counting 4, we move our gaze to the right side and fix it. Again at 4 we look to the left and return to the starting position. It continues according to the pattern "upward straight", "downward straight". Then we perform the exercise in the same way, moving our gaze diagonally.
When performing training exercises for the first time, you should not be too zealous and repeat the exercises several times. This can cause pain and discomfort if you are not used to it. The number of repetitions increases gradually.
Relaxing your eyes is no less important than training them. Excessive muscle tension is considered one of the causes of nearsightedness. Let's look at a few exercises to relax her.
They can be done multiple times and in any order. Any pose - sitting, lying, the main thing is to set the right mood - throw all problems out of your head, calm down, relax.
- We do this exercise while sitting: close your eyes, make several circles with your head along the clock, then against it. We rest for a few minutes with our eyes closed.
- Rub your palms together until they become slightly warm, apply and press lightly onto your eyes. Massage the eyes with light circular movements for 5 seconds.
- A similar exercise, but you don't need to press your palms to your closed eyes. Simply apply it and imagine the warmth radiating from your palms.
- After taking a comfortable position, we close our eyes, relax and begin to remember. Memories should be pleasant.
- We blink frequently for several seconds.
It is advisable to choose several exercises for yourself and do them regularly and daily. Charging is especially useful for those who have vision problems and spend a lot of time working at the computer. To restore and support the organ of vision, you need to change your lifestyle.
Methods for training vision in children
It is important that lessons should not be boring or tiring. Then the child will be happy to perform therapeutic exercises and thereby restore vision.
Invite your child to play an interesting game that will really please his eyes. First, do gymnastics for 5 minutes three times a day, and then let the child go for a walk and romp around.
First, consult an ophthalmologist, discuss the technique you want to use and get recommendations.
Attach 3 large circles of different colors in different corners of the blanket. The child must carefully examine each circle in turn. Approximately 10 seconds are allocated for each topic.
Ask your baby to look four times, first up and down, then right and left. The child must close his eyes tightly, slowly count to 10 and then open his eyes.
Show your baby the clock face with arrows. Imagine that the numbers are painted on the ceiling and that his eyes, like arrows, must circle all the numbers in a circle.
Glue or draw a light circle on the window pane. Go to the window and show an object that is very far away from you. He has to take turns looking at one object or another. If the child has mastered all the exercises well, the complex can become complicated.
Suggest that, looking at a point, you "draw" a circle, square, letter or number in the air with your nose. If the exercise goes well, ask the preschooler to draw a figure himselfdraw, and you have to guess them.
Accompany your lessons with funny fairy tales and jokes and try learning poetry with your child. You can create a text that describes the exercises for each day of the week - do the corresponding movements every day.
Dedicate Sunday to a massage: With your eyelids closed, run your finger over the eyeballs in a circular motion, first in one direction, then the other.
As you walk, ask your child to keep an eye on the car, dog, or other moving objects while alternately closing their right and left eyes.
Take a ball with you and teach your child to throw it at a target. This exercise is useful for both vision and the development of coordination of movements.
There are many options for outdoor activities: "outline" a large object along the contour; without turning your head, name everything that your little eyes could see. Find and describe the most distant and closest object.
Eyes need rest
The life of modern people is designed in such a way that the TV or monitor screen takes up a lot of time. Sitting in front of the screen for a long time puts a lot of strain on the eyes and leads to a deterioration in vision.
And if we cannot reduce the time we spend at the computer at work, we can increase the rest time.
You can relax, recharge with positive emotions and acquire new knowledge and skills away from screens. At the same time, there are great benefits, and not just for the eyes.
The author's technique for improving vision
The technique was developed on the basis of the already known Shichko-Bates methods. There are many fans of this technique among people with vision problems. It is based on training the eye muscles and believing in your own strength.
The doctor claims that a person who believes in his goal and persistently pursues it will certainly achieve the desired result. He sees the main goal of the technology as improving vision to such an extent that people could do without glasses.
The first thing the professor recommends is to completely or partially avoid wearing glasses. Glasses distort the image received by the eyes and do some of the work instead of the muscles.
The doctor describes the glasses as "crutches for the eyes". At the same time, glasses are designed so that you always have to look in the middle, while the human eye is designed to look in all directions. This makes them even more tired and theirVision worsens.
Vision training according to the author's method
Such exercise will be an effective means of restoring vision. Do the exercises gently and slowly. There are only 6 of them, 6 best exercises to maintain vision. They must be performed in the order in which they are described.
Exercise 1. Curtains
This requires you to blink quickly for about two minutes. This improves blood circulation in the face and eyes.
Exercise 2. Look out the window
This is a universal task from the "near-far" series: it is very useful for both near-sighted and far-sighted people.
Go to the window and stick a piece of paper on the glass - a mark. If you squint, look at the piece of paper, you see it; blinked - looked into the distance, saw a tree or a house. On the other hand: on a piece of paper – into the distance, on a piece of paper – into the distance. . . Do the exercise at least twenty times.
Exercise 3. Big eyes
Take a deep breath and close your eyes as tightly as possible. Tense your neck, face and head muscles. Hold your breath for five seconds, then exhale quickly, opening your eyes wide as you exhale. Repeat 10 times.
Exercise 4. Massage
The most common massage technique is with two fingers - index and middle - in a figure-eight motion. Move along the lower edge of the eyelid towards the nose, along the upper edge of the eyelid - above the eyebrows. This movement is repeated 10-15 times. The massage improves blood circulation and circulation of the eye fluid.
Exercise 5. Hydromassage
You need to wash your face morning and evening. This is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a way to improve microcirculation in the blood vessels. Morning washing is done first with hot water and ends with rinsing with cold water. In the evening everything happens in reverse order.
Exercise 6. Drawing
Draw a snake in the air. Look to the right and, looking to the left, draw a curved line in the air. Then do this from left to right. And they blinked again.
Do palm massage for 1-2 minutes.
Original eye gymnastics – pirate glasses
This simple, original gymnastics can completely restore vision. Requires no effort.
You need to make an unusual pair of glasses in which one lens is covered with black paper and the other with regular paper. If you don't wear glasses, use frames without lenses. Wear them and watch TV or work on the computer.
Remember to change the lens tint every 30 minutes. So you give one eye a break and train the other. It is important that vision not only does not deteriorate, but also recovers.
What is palming and how does it differ for nearsighted and farsighted people?
Palming is the key to a quick and healthy recovery and is an integral part of any gymnastics to restore vision. Before performing any exercise, you must properly prepare for it.
Palming is gentle and effective. The duration depends on the emotional state, as not only the eyes but also the human psyche relax. The result is achieved when the color behind the closed eyes is black.
To complete this task, you need to relax and sit upright. If all the rules are followed, the eyelids should be lowered. Eyes should be closed and protected by the palms of the hands. This ensures complete relaxation of the visual organs.
What do we have to do:
- Rub your palms well. Not only will your hands be warmed up, but they will also receive the energy boost they need;
- Fold your palms into a boat as if you were trying to suck water into it. Place them on your eyes so that they are exactly in the middle of the gap, with your palms on your cheekbones, fingers on your forehead, and pinkies on the bridge of your nose. Place your elbows on the table or press them to your chest; they shouldn't sag. Don't leave any gaps under your fingers. It is important. Do not pinch your nose, it should be able to breathe freely. Eyes closed;
- Think or speak positively about your eyes: My eyes are good, my vision is improving day by day;
- The following action will be different for nearsighted and farsighted people, although it is also associated with self-hypnosis:
Nearsighted people should imagine that their eyes become round like balls. This helps relax the transverse muscles and improves distance vision.
Farsighted people imagine that their small eyes are stretched out like cucumbers. This relaxes the longitudinal muscles and helps you to see even small objects, for example small letters, beads.
- a good memory, it should be calm and very positive. It could be the shore of a river or sea, a warm bed, delicious food - anything that causes pleasant sensations;
- Exit from the palms. To do this, you need to close your eyes directly under your palms. Then blink. Remove your palms and squint, shake your head and take a deep breath.
That's it, your vision has improved, you can continue working. Palming is not only used to improve vision but also to relax the eyes. If there is no impairment of visual acuity, exercise to improve visual acuity (for farsightedness or nearsightedness) is not necessary.
Eye prophylactic complex
- Relaxation.Close your eyelids tightly and try to relax. To carry out this exercise, it is worth remembering some beautiful moments in life.
- Circular movements.With your eyes open, make circular movements: first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
- Movement in straight lines.Intensely move your eyes horizontally: right and left and vertically: up and down.
- Flashes.Press and open your eyelids intensely.
- diagonals.Direct your gaze to the lower left corner, look as if you were looking at your left shoulder, and fix your gaze on that point. After flashing three times on the right side, repeat the process.
- Mirror diagonal.Similar to the previous exercise, squint your eyes to the top left corner and then to the right.
- Dark relaxation.Place warm palms on your closed eyelids and press your fingers to your forehead. Relax and try to achieve a deep black color.
- Flashes.Blink lightly and quickly at least a hundred times.
- Slanted eyes.Bring your pupils towards your nose. To perform this exercise, place the tip of your index finger on the bridge of your nose and look at it - then they will "connect" slightly.
- Near-far or working from a distance.Go to the window and take a close look at the nearby detail. It could be a leaf from a tree growing outside the window or a small dot of paper taped to the glass at eye level. Then draw an imaginary straight line across the selected point, go into the distance and cast your gaze far ahead to see the furthest objects.
All of the described recommendations will allow you to restore vision impaired by overwork or prolonged exposure to a computer or television screen. If the problem occurs against the background of pathology, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the cause of visual impairment.
Regular exercise and hygiene measures help maintain good vision and restore normal eye function.